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The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
Divina Grace Cabauatan
New Zealand
Programme: Ballet
"After learning about its brilliant facilities and affordable tuition fee, I had decided to apply for admission to the Academy. It turned out that I had made a right decision.

All staff and students are very helpful and friendly here. I am particularly impressed with the facilities on campus, such as the dance studios and theatres.

During my studies in the diploma programme at the Academy, I attained more knowledge and trainings which help to realize my dream of becoming a dancer. I had also decided to further pursue my study for a degree in dance here."
Divina Grace Cabauatan
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Hong Kong Baptist University – School of Continuing Education
Christy Ellis
Programme: Postgraduate Diploma in Early Childhood Education
Christy Ellis When I came to Hong Kong to teach English, study was not on the agenda. It was only when a colleague told me about the Postgraduate Diploma in Early Childhood Education of the Hong Kong Baptist University that I considered studying here. I didn’t even apply anywhere else!

I had so many questions: Could a foreigner on a work visa study part-time? Would my employer be supportive? Would my previous qualifications be recognised in Hong Kong? Was the course taught in English? In my case, the answer to all these questions was YES.

It is not always easy balancing work and study, but this postgraduate course accommodates full-time workers with evening classes. Part- time students also enjoy a wide range of benefits. We are entitled to discounts on food and books, as well as being given access to university facilities.

Studying in the country where you work provides an insight into the local context. You increase your professional networks, and learn from others about the good (and not so good!) places to work in your field. Classes are a mix of local and foreign students and you will make many new friends.

I love Hong Kong and all the opportunities on offer. You really can do anything and everything here. Try it!
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